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Number of abstracts found: 445 (20 abstracts listed: Items 1 - 20)

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Item Abstract Code Authors Abstract title Keywords
      1.)   A16-11
Fletcher, White, Greg, Gaski, Todd, McKinley, Richard, Rodgers, The inflammatory response following polytrauma in combination with mild traumatic brain injury
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      2.)   A22-13
Todd, Kilbaugh, Ross, Plyler, Madeline, Stowlow, Melissa, Byro, Susan, Margulies, CMX-2043 Improves Outcomes after Focal TBI
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      3.)   AANS02-02
Ryan, Hirschi, Gregory, Hawryluk, Jessica, Nielson, J. Russell, Huie, Lara, Zimmermann, Rajiv, Saigal, Quan, Ding, Adam, Ferguson, Geoffrey, Manley, Are we getting any better at detecting cortical spreading depression/spreading depolarization?
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      4.)   DBA-01
Margalit, Haber, Franck, Amyot, Kelly, Flesher, Kimbra, Kenney, Carol, Moore, Erika, Silverman, Yi-yu, Chou, Dzung, Pham, Eric, Wasserman, Ramon, Diaz-Arrastia, Neuroimaging of diffuse axonal and vascular injury in chronic traumatic brain injury
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      5.)   DBA-02
Stefania, Mondello, Deborah, Shear, Helen, Bramlett, C. Edward, Dixon, W. Dalton, Dietrich, Kevin, Wang, Ronald, Hayes, Audrey, Lafrenaye, John T., Povlishock, Frank, Tortella, Patrick M., Kochanek, Circulating GFAP Levels to Monitor Therapeutic Response to Glibenclamide in Controlled Cortical Impact: Findings from OBTT
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      6.)   DBA-03
James, Hong, Mahmood, Chamankhah, Anna, Badner, Dario, Righelli, Priscilla, Chan, Claudia, Angelini, Michael, Fehlings, Dual time course RNA-seq reveals level-specific neurovascular response after cervical and thoracic spinal cord injury.
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      7.)   DBA-04
Jenny, Szu, Danielle, Ornelas, Som, Chaturvedi, Junze, Liu, B. Hyle, Park, Devin, Binder, Optical and electrographic changes in the brain after trauma
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      8.)   DBA-05
Olga, Minaeva, James D., Akula, Mark W., Wojnarowicz, R. Daniel, Ferguson, Mircea, Mujat, Erich S., Franz, Andrew M., Fisher, Juliet A., Moncaster, Bertrand R., Huber, Lee E., Goldstein, In Vivo Retinal Imaging of Neuroinflammation in a Mouse Model of Impact Concussion
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      9.)   DBA-06
Nadine, Kerr, Juan Pablo, de Rivero Vaccari, Ronald, Zambrano, Sam, Abbassi, Shu, Wu, Dalton, Dietrich, Robert, Keane, Evidence for a Neural-Respiratory-Inflammasome Axis in Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Acute Lung Injury
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    10.)   DBA-07
Starlyn, Okada-Rising, Jignesh, Pandya, Krista, Caudle, Jenny, Browning, Rebecca, Pedersen, Justin, Sun, Deborah, Shear, Evaluation of Minocycline in the WRAIR PBBI Model: Studies from the Operation Brain Trauma Therapy (OBTT) Consortium
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    11.)   DBA-08
Moustafa, Algamal, Joseph O, Ojo, Carlyn, Lungmus, Philip, Muza, Joan, Owens, Benoit, Mouzon, David, Diamond, Michael, Mullan, Fiona, Crawford, Impact of repetitive mTBI on fear memory, depressive behavior, and markers of synaptic plasticity in a mouse model of chronic PTSD
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    12.)   DBA-09
Patrick, Kochanek, Helen, Bramlett, C. Edward, Dixon, Frank, Tortella, W. Dalton, Dietrich, Stefania, Mondello, Ronald, Hayes, Kevin, Wang, John, Povlishock, Audrey, Lafrenaye, Samuel, Poloyac, Philip, Empey, Janice, Gilsdorf, Deborah, Shear, Overview of the first 12 therapies evaluated by Operation Brain Trauma Therapy, a pre-clinical multi-center consortium for TBI
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    13.)   DBA-10
Pavel, Lizhnyak, Andrew, Riddler, John, Povlishock, Andrew, Ottens, KCC2, a novel therapeutic target in traumatic brain injury
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    14.)   DBB-01
Maura, Weber, William, Stewart, D. Kacy, Cullen, Douglas, Smith, Victoria, Johnson, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Leads to Widespread Acute Blood Brain Barrier Disruption
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    15.)   DBB-02
Yun, Li, Jace, Jones, Chinmoy, Sarkar, Shuo, Liu, Maureen, Kane, Alan, Faden, Eugene, Koh, Marta, Lipinski, Junfang, Wu, Spinal cord injury-mediated cPLA2 activation contributes to lysosomal defects leading to impairment of autophagy
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    16.)   DBB-03
Erich, Franz, Chad, Tagge, Andrew, Fisher, Olga, Minaeva, Mark, Wojnarowicz, Juliet, Moncaster, Andrew, Anderson, Robin, Cleveland, William, Moss, Lee, Goldstein, Biomechanics of Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in a Mouse Model of Closed-Head Impact
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    17.)   DBB-04
Daniel, Huber, Michael, McCrea, Lindsay, Nelson, Application of an Activity Tracker and Mobile Application to Track Activity Versus Rest Following Sport-Related Concussion
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    18.)   DBB-05
Briana, Meyer, Meeryo, Choe, Constance, Johnson, Philip, Rosenbaum, Sonal, Singh, Zhe, Wang, David, McArthur, Christopher, Giza, Prolonged King-Devick Time in Concussion Patients
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    19.)   DBB-06
Molly, Braun, Zenab, Khan, Nancy, Saad, M Badruzamman, Khan, Lin, Yin, David, Hess, Md Nasrul, Hoda, Babak, Baban, Krishnan, Dhandapani, Kumar, Vaibhav, Activation of cannabinoid receptor 2 attenuates traumatic brain injury-induced inflammation
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    20.)   DBB-07
Merry, Ma, Jing, Wang, Krishnan, Dhandapani, Darrell, Brann, NADPH Oxidase-2 Regulates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation after Traumatic Brain Injury
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