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The lack of reproducibility in many areas of science, including spinal

cord injury (SCI) research, is due in part to the lack of common reporting

standards. Over the past three years an ad hoc consortium of scientists has

developed a minimum information reporting standard for SCI experi-

ments, called Minimum Information About an SCI Experiment

(MIASCI, J Neurotrauma. 2014 Jul 11. PMID: 24870067). The latest

version of MIASCI contains 13 sections: investigator, organism, surgery,

perturbagen, cell transplantation, biomaterials, histology, immunohisto-

chemistry, imaging, behavior, biochemistry, molecular biology, and data

analysis and statistics. For each of these sections, MIASCI enables sci-

entists to capture essential metadata about the study design, materials and

methods. The purpose of MIASCI is to improve transparency of re-

porting and to encourage the use of best practices. A secondary benefit is

to facilitate the aggregation and automated interrogation of diverse da-

tasets using a formal standard language. Thus, a parallel effort is un-

derway to develop an ontology about SCI: the RegenBase ontology.

Expanding RegenBase by incorporating MIASCI concepts facilitates

paper curation and knowledge creation. We will present MIASCI con-

cepts, show integration with the RegenBase Ontology and briefly de-

scribe recent work using MIASCI to annotate published papers studying

the effect of kinase inhibitors on SCI recovery.


NINDS NS080145 and NICHD HD057632

Keywords: ontology, database, reporting standard, informatics, re-


S01 Clinically Relevant Models of Neuroinflammation

after TBI




Sujatha Kannan

Johns Hopkins University SOM, Pediatric Anesthesiology & Critical

Care Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Inflammation in the central nervous system, mediated by activated

microglia and astrocytes, is implicated in the development of several

neurologic disorders in both children and adults. Microglial function

is unique in the immature brain due to its role in normal develop-

ment related to white matter development and synaptic pruning.

Microglia are found in large numbers in the white matter tracts early

in childhood and move to the cortex later in life. Activation of glia

during vulnerable periods in development due to an insult/injury

may lead to an exaggerated inflammatory response that can result in

ongoing injury and chronic immune dysregulation. Strategies to

target microglia/astrocytes and treat neuroinflammation can poten-

tially not only slow disease progression, but also promote repair and

regeneration, enabling normal development and maturation of the

brain. We have previously demonstrated that intravenous adminis-

tration of a dendrimer-drug nanoparticle system selectively targets

and accumulates in activated microglia in the brain of newborn

rabbits with neuroinflammation and CP, resulting in significant im-

provement in motor function and myelination, attenuation of acti-

vated microglia, and decrease in neuronal injury by 5 days. A better

understanding of the role and timing of the neuroinflammatory re-

sponse in the immature brain after TBI is crucial for targeting ap-

propriate dendrimer-drug to activated microglia for modulating the

immune response.

Keywords: Microglia, Nanotechnology, Pediatric TBI, Dendrimer




Catharine Winstanley

UBC, Psychology, Vancouver, Canada

Preclinical models of the psychiatric complications resulting from TBI

are urgently needed to facilitate the development of effective thera-

peutics. The frontal cortex is heavily implicated in many of the disor-

ders that manifest after TBI, including major depression, bipolar

disorder and impulsive aggression, and is often damaged by the impact.

We therefore aimed to determine the effects of TBI targeting the frontal

cortex (fTBI) in rats using a cognitive behavioral test commonly used to

model psychiatric symptoms. 30 male Long Evans rats were trained to

perform the five-choice serial reaction time task, in which subjects

respond to the brief presentation of a cue light in one of five distinct

apertures in order to earn sugar reward. This paradigm is highly sen-

sitive to frontal cortex damage, and provides well-validated measures of

visuospatial attention, motivation and motor impulsivity. We then used

the controlled cortical impact (CCI) method to induce different seve-

rities of fTBI, from severe to moderate (


50% of severe impact) and

milder CCI (


10% of severe impact). fTBI decreased accuracy of

target detection and increased motor impulsivity. Although each se-

verely injured animal continued to show substantive impairments across

all measures, 65% of animals that received a mild fTBI, and 35% of

those in the moderate fTBI group, showed dramatic improvements in

accuracy over 3 weeks to within 15% of their premorbid baseline. In

contrast, the performance of non-recovered animals overlapped with

that observed following severe fTBI, despite receiving only a mild or

moderate injury. Ex vivo analysis of cytokine expression revealed

strong correlations between levels of IL-6 and IL-10 with lesion size,

and the size of the lesion was also a good predictor of the level of

cognitive impairment. However, levels of IL-12 significantly correlated

with levels of impulsivity and inattention independent of lesion size,

suggesting that this immune signaling molecule may be contributing to

cognitive impairment via a unique and potentially druggable pathway.

Establishing this model in rats opens up the possibility for research into

biomarkers predictive of cognitive recovery or impairment.

Keywords: impulsivity, attention, cytokine



Cesar Borlongan

University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Neuro-

surgery and Brain Repair, Tampa, USA

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is now recognized as a chronic injury with

multiple secondary cell death events, including neuroinflammation. I

discuss here two novel concepts of neuroinflammation-based therapies in

TBI. First, exogenous stem cells form ‘‘biobridges’’ that facilitate the

proper migration of endogenous stem cells from the neurogenic niche to

the site of injury following the controlled cortical impact model of TBI in

adult rats. Such exogenous stem cell-paved biobridges are enriched with

extracellularmatrix (ECM) stabilizing the structure and organization to the

injured tissues and also guiding the migration of and intercellular com-

munication with the endogenous stem cells. Our results indicate that the

injured brain not only presents with abnormal composition and structure of

the ECM that contributes to the failure of directed endogenous cell mi-

gration towards the injured site, but that TBI-mediated disruption of ECM

amplifies neuroinflammation ultimately hindering the homing of endog-

enous stem cells to the damaged tissue. Accordingly, treatments such as
